
WindBorne is a pip installable library built to interact with Data and Forecasts APIs.

WindBorne uses API keys to authenticate API requests. If an API request is not properly authenticated, it will fail. To get an API key, email

In order to authenticate with the api, you must set the following environment variables:

On unix systems (mac and linux), you can add these to your shell configuration file (e.g. ~/.bashrc, ~/.bash_profile, ~/.zshrc). On windows, you can set these as user environment variables. See the instructions on the right for examples of how to do this.

Need access?

Set Credentials on mac and linux
Set Credentials on windows


This function gets the forecast at a given point or set of points. This runs WindBorne's custom point forecasting model, making it more accurate than simple interpolation of the gridded output.

It returns a custom points response.

It accepts the following parameters:

coordinatesstringA list of coordinates. This may be a list of latitude,longitude tuples, eg [(37, -121), (40.3, -100)], or a string with coordinates separated by semicolons, eg 37,-121;40.3,-100
min_forecast_timestringOptional. An ISO 8601 date string, supporting formats YYYYMMDDHH, YYYY-MM-DDTHH, and YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss., representing the minimum forecast time to calculate point forecasts for.
max_forecast_timestringOptional. An ISO 8601 date string, supporting formats YYYYMMDDHH, YYYY-MM-DDTHH, and YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss., representing the maximum forecast time to calculate point forecasts for.
min_forecast_hourintegerOptional. The minimum forecast hour to calculate point forecasts for.
max_forecast_hourintegerOptional. The maximum forecast hour to calculate point forecasts for.
initialization_timestringOptional. An ISO 8601 date string, supporting formats YYYYMMDDHH, YYYY-MM-DDTHH, and YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss., representing the time at which the forecast was made. This looks solely at the date and the hour; minutes and seconds are discarded. If nothing is provided, the latest forecast is used.

Available initialization times for point forecasts can be found using get_initialization_times.



This function retrieves which initialization times are available in the API for generating point forecasts. It accepts no parameters.

It returns the following:

available[string]An array of ISO8601 timestamps of available initialization times for point forecasts, ordered from newest to oldest.
lateststringThe ISO8601 timestamp of latest available initialization time for point forecasts.



This function allows getting the gridded output of global 2m temperature forecasts. These outputs are returned as a netCDF (.nc) file.

If there is no forecast available within an hour of the requested time, a 404 status code will be displayed.

It accepts the following parameters:

timestringAn ISO 8601 date string, supporting formats YYYYMMDDHH, YYYY-MM-DDTHH, and YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss., representing the time for which to get the forecast. This looks solely at the date and the hour; minutes and seconds are discarded.
output_filestringPath to save the file.



This function allows getting the gridded output of global 10m u-component of wind forecasts. These outputs are returned as a netCDF (.nc) file.

If there is no forecast available within an hour of the requested time, a 404 status code will be displayed.

It accepts the following parameters:

timestringAn ISO 8601 date string, supporting formats YYYYMMDDHH, YYYY-MM-DDTHH, and YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss., representing the time for which to get the forecast. This looks solely at the date and the hour; minutes and seconds are discarded.
output_filestringPath to save the file.



This function allows getting the gridded output of global 10m v-component of wind forecasts. These outputs are returned as a netCDF (.nc) file.

If there is no forecast available within an hour of the requested time, a 404 status code will be displayed.

It accepts the following parameters:

timestringAn ISO 8601 date string, supporting formats YYYYMMDDHH, YYYY-MM-DDTHH, and YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss., representing the time for which to get the forecast. This looks solely at the date and the hour; minutes and seconds are discarded.
output_filestringPath to save the file.



This function allows getting the gridded output of global mean sea level pressure forecasts. These outputs are returned as a netCDF (.nc) file.

If there is no forecast available within an hour of the requested time, a 404 status code will be displayed.

It accepts the following parameters:

timestringAn ISO 8601 date string, supporting formats YYYYMMDDHH, YYYY-MM-DDTHH, and YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss., representing the time for which to get the forecast. This looks solely at the date and the hour; minutes and seconds are discarded.
output_filestringPath to save the file.



This function allows getting the gridded output of global 500hPa temperature forecasts. These outputs are returned as a netCDF (.nc) file.

If there is no forecast available within an hour of the requested time, a 404 status code will be displayed.

It accepts the following parameters:

timestringAn ISO 8601 date string, supporting formats YYYYMMDDHH, YYYY-MM-DDTHH, and YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss., representing the time for which to get the forecast. This looks solely at the date and the hour; minutes and seconds are discarded.
output_filestringPath to save the file.



This function allows getting the gridded output of global 850hPa temperature forecasts. These outputs are returned as a netCDF (.nc) file.

If there is no forecast available within an hour of the requested time, a 404 status code will be displayed.

It accepts the following parameters:

timestringAn ISO 8601 date string, supporting formats YYYYMMDDHH, YYYY-MM-DDTHH, and YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss., representing the time for which to get the forecast. This looks solely at the date and the hour; minutes and seconds are discarded.
output_filestringPath to save the file.



This function allows getting the gridded output of global 500hPa u-component of wind forecasts. These outputs are returned as a netCDF (.nc) file.

If there is no forecast available within an hour of the requested time, a 404 status code will be displayed.

It accepts the following parameters:

timestringAn ISO 8601 date string, supporting formats YYYYMMDDHH, YYYY-MM-DDTHH, and YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss., representing the time for which to get the forecast. This looks solely at the date and the hour; minutes and seconds are discarded.
output_filestringPath to save the file.



This function allows getting the gridded output of global 500hPa v-component of wind forecasts. These outputs are returned as a netCDF (.nc) file.

If there is no forecast available within an hour of the requested time, a 404 status code will be displayed.

It accepts the following parameters:

timestringAn ISO 8601 date string, supporting formats YYYYMMDDHH, YYYY-MM-DDTHH, and YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss., representing the time for which to get the forecast. This looks solely at the date and the hour; minutes and seconds are discarded.
output_filestringPath to save the file.



This function allows getting the historical output of global 2m temperature forecasts. These outputs are returned as a netCDF (.nc) file.

If the requested forecast is not available, a 404 status code will be displayed.

It accepts the following parameters:

timestringAn ISO 8601 date string, supporting formats YYYYMMDDHH, YYYY-MM-DDTHH, and YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss., representing the time for which to get the forecast. This looks solely at the date and the hour; minutes and seconds are discarded. If there is no forecast available within an hour of the requested time, it will return a 404.
hourintegerHow many hours after the run time the forecast is valid at.
output_filestringPath to save the file.



This function allows getting the historical output of global 10m u-component of wind forecasts. These outputs are returned as a netCDF (.nc) file.

If the requested forecast is not available, a 404 status code will be displayed.

It accepts the following parameters:

timestringAn ISO 8601 date string, supporting formats YYYYMMDDHH, YYYY-MM-DDTHH, and YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss., representing the time for which to get the forecast. This looks solely at the date and the hour; minutes and seconds are discarded. If there is no forecast available within an hour of the requested time, it will return a 404.
hourintegerHow many hours after the run time the forecast is valid at.
output_filestringPath to save the file.



This function allows getting the historical output of global 10m v-component of wind forecasts. These outputs are returned as a netCDF (.nc) file.

If the requested forecast is not available, a 404 status code will be displayed.

It accepts the following parameters:

timestringAn ISO 8601 date string, supporting formats YYYYMMDDHH, YYYY-MM-DDTHH, and YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss., representing the time for which to get the forecast. This looks solely at the date and the hour; minutes and seconds are discarded. If there is no forecast available within an hour of the requested time, it will return a 404.
hourintegerHow many hours after the run time the forecast is valid at.
output_filestringPath to save the file.



This function allows getting the historical output of global mean sea level pressure forecasts. These outputs are returned as a netCDF (.nc) file.

If the requested forecast is not available, a 404 status code will be displayed.

It accepts the following parameters:

timestringAn ISO 8601 date string, supporting formats YYYYMMDDHH, YYYY-MM-DDTHH, and YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss., representing the time for which to get the forecast. This looks solely at the date and the hour; minutes and seconds are discarded. If there is no forecast available within an hour of the requested time, it will return a 404.
hourintegerHow many hours after the run time the forecast is valid at.
output_filestringPath to save the file.



This function allows getting the historical output of global 500hPa temperature forecasts. These outputs are returned as a netCDF (.nc) file.

If the requested forecast is not available, a 404 status code will be displayed.

It accepts the following parameters:

timestringAn ISO 8601 date string, supporting formats YYYYMMDDHH, YYYY-MM-DDTHH, and YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss., representing the time for which to get the forecast. This looks solely at the date and the hour; minutes and seconds are discarded. If there is no forecast available within an hour of the requested time, it will return a 404.
hourintegerHow many hours after the run time the forecast is valid at.
output_filestringPath to save the file.



This function allows getting the historical output of global 850hPa temperature forecasts. These outputs are returned as a netCDF (.nc) file.

If the requested forecast is not available, a 404 status code will be displayed.

It accepts the following parameters:

timestringAn ISO 8601 date string, supporting formats YYYYMMDDHH, YYYY-MM-DDTHH, and YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss., representing the time for which to get the forecast. This looks solely at the date and the hour; minutes and seconds are discarded. If there is no forecast available within an hour of the requested time, it will return a 404.
hourintegerHow many hours after the run time the forecast is valid at.
output_filestringPath to save the file.



This function allows getting the historical output of global 500hPa u-component of wind forecasts. These outputs are returned as a netCDF (.nc) file.

If the requested forecast is not available, a 404 status code will be displayed.

It accepts the following parameters:

timestringAn ISO 8601 date string, supporting formats YYYYMMDDHH, YYYY-MM-DDTHH, and YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss., representing the time for which to get the forecast. This looks solely at the date and the hour; minutes and seconds are discarded. If there is no forecast available within an hour of the requested time, it will return a 404.
hourintegerHow many hours after the run time the forecast is valid at.
output_filestringPath to save the file.



This function allows getting the historical output of global 500hPa v-component of wind forecasts. These outputs are returned as a netCDF (.nc) file.

If the requested forecast is not available, a 404 status code will be displayed.

It accepts the following parameters:

timestringAn ISO 8601 date string, supporting formats YYYYMMDDHH, YYYY-MM-DDTHH, and YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss., representing the time for which to get the forecast. This looks solely at the date and the hour; minutes and seconds are discarded. If there is no forecast available within an hour of the requested time, it will return a 404.
hourintegerHow many hours after the run time the forecast is valid at.
output_filestringPath to save the file.


Tropical Cyclones

This endpoint allows getting the predicted ground track of active tropical cyclones.

It accepts the following query string parameters:

initialization_timestringOptional. An ISO 8601 date string, supporting formats YYYYMMDDHH, YYYY-MM-DDTHH, and YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss., representing the time at which the forecast was made. This looks solely at the date and the hour; minutes and seconds are discarded. If nothing is provided, the latest forecast is used.
basinstringOptional. A string indicating the tropical cyclones basins to be filtered in the response. If not set, all tropical cyclones will be included.
output_filestringOptional. Path to save the response data. If provided, saves the data in .json, .csv, .gpx, .geojson, .kml, .little_r format.

The basin parameter defines specific geographical regions where tropical cyclones are present:

NAstringNorth Atlantic Basin spanning from African Coast (20°E) to 140°W and Equator to 90°N.
EPstringEastern Pacific Basin spanning from 140°W to 180°W and Equator to 90°N.
WPstringWestern Pacific Basin spanning from 100°E to 180°E and Equator to 60°N.
NIstringNorth Indian Ocean Basin spanning from 45°E to 100°E and Equator to 90°N.
SIstringSouth-West Indian Ocean Basin spanning from 20°E to 90°E and 40°S to Equator.
AUstringAustralian Region Basin spanning from 90°E to 160°E and 36°S to Equator.
SPstringSouth Pacific Basin spanning from 160°E to 120°W and 40°S to Equator.

It returns an object (dictionary) with keys being tropical cyclone IDs and values being arrays of ground track points. Each ground track point is of the form:

latitudenumberThe latitude where the tropical cyclone is predicted to be
longitudenumberThe longitude where the tropical cyclone is predicted to be
timestringThe ISO8601 timestamp of when this forecast point is valid

Sample Response