
WeatherMesh is the world’s most accurate AI weather model, and is used operationally to guide the largest balloon constellation in the world.

WeatherMesh currently predicts surface temperature, pressure, winds, precipitation, and radiation; and then geopotential, temperature, winds, and moisture at 28 pressure levels. Outputs have a resolution of 0.25 degrees, and are best at a time horizon between <1 and 5 days out.

The WindBorne API is designed to be predictable, performant, and easy to use.

Need access?

Base URL


WindBorne uses API keys to authenticate API requests. If an API request is not properly authenticated, it will fail. To get an API key, email

You should have an API key and a client id. Conceptually, you can think of your client id as a username and your API key as your password. You should make sure to keep your API key safe and secure.

To authenticate, pass HTTP basic auth headers in the GET request with username YOUR_CLIENT_ID and password YOUR_API_KEY. This follows RFC 7617; ie, as is standard, the credentials are colon-separated then base-64 encoded; many HTTP libraries will do this for you.

Using JWTs from a key server


Point forecasts

This endpoint allows getting the forecast at a given point or set of points. Note that this is done by linear interpolation of the gridded output. No model output statistics are applied.

These forecasts are at hourly resolution out to 5 days.

It accepts the following query string parameters:

coordinatesstringA semi-colon separated list of latitude,longitude tuples, eg 37,-121;40.3,-100

It returns the following:

forecasts[Forecast]An array of forecasts, in the same order as the input coordinates

A forecast is an array of the form:

temperature_2mnumberThe temperature at 2m above ground level, in degrees Celsius
dewpoint_2mnumberThe dewpoint at 2m above ground level, in degrees Celsius
wind_u_10mnumberThe U component of wind speed at 10m above ground level, in m/s
wind_v_10mnumberThe V component of wind speed at 10m above ground level, in m/s
pressure_mslnumberThe pressure as converted to MSL pressure, in hPa
timestringThe ISO8601 timestamp of when this forecast point is valid

Sample Response

2m temperature

This endpoint allows getting the gridded output of global 2m temperature forecasts. These outputs are returned as a .npy file. The file is a numpy array of shape (latitude, longitude).

This will generally be a redirect to a presigned URL on S3, so you will need to follow the redirect to get the file. Only in the short time it takes for the file to be uploaded will it be served directly.

It accepts the following query string parameters:

timestringAn ISO 8601 date string, representing the time for which to get the forecast. This looks solely at the date and the hour; minutes and seconds are discarded. If there is no forecast available within an hour of the requested time, it will return a 404.


2m dewpoint

This endpoint allows getting the gridded output of global 2m dewpoint forecasts. These outputs are returned as a .npy file. The file is a numpy array of shape (latitude, longitude).

This will generally be a redirect to a presigned URL on S3, so you will need to follow the redirect to get the file. Only in the short time it takes for the file to be uploaded will it be served directly.

It accepts the following query string parameters:

timestringAn ISO 8601 date string, representing the time for which to get the forecast. This looks solely at the date and the hour; minutes and seconds are discarded. If there is no forecast available within an hour of the requested time, it will return a 404.


10m u-component of wind

This endpoint allows getting the gridded output of global 10m u-component of wind forecasts. These outputs are returned as a .npy file. The file is a numpy array of shape (latitude, longitude).

This will generally be a redirect to a presigned URL on S3, so you will need to follow the redirect to get the file. Only in the short time it takes for the file to be uploaded will it be served directly.

It accepts the following query string parameters:

timestringAn ISO 8601 date string, representing the time for which to get the forecast. This looks solely at the date and the hour; minutes and seconds are discarded. If there is no forecast available within an hour of the requested time, it will return a 404.


10m v-component of wind

This endpoint allows getting the gridded output of global 10m v-component of wind forecasts. These outputs are returned as a .npy file. The file is a numpy array of shape (latitude, longitude).

This will generally be a redirect to a presigned URL on S3, so you will need to follow the redirect to get the file. Only in the short time it takes for the file to be uploaded will it be served directly.

It accepts the following query string parameters:

timestringAn ISO 8601 date string, representing the time for which to get the forecast. This looks solely at the date and the hour; minutes and seconds are discarded. If there is no forecast available within an hour of the requested time, it will return a 404.


Mean sea level pressure

This endpoint allows getting the gridded output of global mean sea level pressure forecasts. These outputs are returned as a .npy file. The file is a numpy array of shape (latitude, longitude).

This will generally be a redirect to a presigned URL on S3, so you will need to follow the redirect to get the file. Only in the short time it takes for the file to be uploaded will it be served directly.

It accepts the following query string parameters:

timestringAn ISO 8601 date string, representing the time for which to get the forecast. This looks solely at the date and the hour; minutes and seconds are discarded. If there is no forecast available within an hour of the requested time, it will return a 404.


500hPa geopotential

This endpoint allows getting the gridded output of global 500hPa geopotential forecasts. These outputs are returned as a .npy file. The file is a numpy array of shape (latitude, longitude).

This will generally be a redirect to a presigned URL on S3, so you will need to follow the redirect to get the file. Only in the short time it takes for the file to be uploaded will it be served directly.

It accepts the following query string parameters:

timestringAn ISO 8601 date string, representing the time for which to get the forecast. This looks solely at the date and the hour; minutes and seconds are discarded. If there is no forecast available within an hour of the requested time, it will return a 404.


850hPa temperature

This endpoint allows getting the gridded output of global 850hPa temperature forecasts. These outputs are returned as a .npy file. The file is a numpy array of shape (latitude, longitude).

This will generally be a redirect to a presigned URL on S3, so you will need to follow the redirect to get the file. Only in the short time it takes for the file to be uploaded will it be served directly.

It accepts the following query string parameters:

timestringAn ISO 8601 date string, representing the time for which to get the forecast. This looks solely at the date and the hour; minutes and seconds are discarded. If there is no forecast available within an hour of the requested time, it will return a 404.


Historical 2m temperature

This endpoint allows getting the historical output of global 2m temperature forecasts. These outputs are returned as a .npy file. The file is a numpy array of shape (latitude, longitude). If the requested forecast is not available, a 404 status code will be returned.

It accepts the following query string parameters:

initialization_timeISO stringAn ISO formatted date string representing the initialization time of the forecast.
forecast_hournumberHow many hours after the run time the forecast is valid at.


Historical 500hPa geopotential

This endpoint allows getting the historical output of global 500hPa geopotential forecasts. These outputs are returned as a .npy file. The file is a numpy array of shape (latitude, longitude). If the requested forecast is not available, a 404 status code will be returned.

This endpoint does not require authentication.

It accepts the following query string parameters:

initialization_timeISO stringAn ISO formatted date string representing the initialization time of the forecast.
forecast_hournumberHow many hours after the run time the forecast is valid at. If unauthenticated, this must be a multiple of 24.


Historical 500hPa wind u

This endpoint allows getting the historical output of global 500hPa wind u forecasts. These outputs are returned as a .npy file. The file is a numpy array of shape (latitude, longitude). If the requested forecast is not available, a 404 status code will be returned.

It accepts the following query string parameters:

initialization_timeISO stringAn ISO formatted date string representing the initialization time of the forecast.
forecast_hournumberHow many hours after the run time the forecast is valid at.


Historical 500hPa wind v

This endpoint allows getting the historical output of global 500hPa wind v forecasts. These outputs are returned as a .npy file. The file is a numpy array of shape (latitude, longitude). If the requested forecast is not available, a 404 status code will be returned.

It accepts the following query string parameters:

initialization_timeISO stringAn ISO formatted date string representing the initialization time of the forecast.
forecast_hournumberHow many hours after the run time the forecast is valid at.


Planned endpoints

The model produces a number of outputs that are not yet exposed in the API. These and other endpoints will eventually be added.

  • Precipitation forecasts
  • Cloud cover forecasts
  • Ceiling and visibility forecasts
  • Region forecasts, returning points for a large number of locations (eg population centers, METAR stations) in a single query
  • Historical forecasts